all for something — all for (something) strongly approving of something. Americans are usually all for freedom of speech. Usage notes: often used in the form I m all for it: If the new law will keep guns out of the hands of kids, I m all for it. Related vocabulary:… … New idioms dictionary
all for — (something) strongly approving of something. Americans are usually all for freedom of speech. Usage notes: often used in the form I m all for it: If the new law will keep guns out of the hands of kids, I m all for it. Related vocabulary: in favor … New idioms dictionary
(be) all for something doing something — be all for sth/for doing sth idiom (informal) to believe strongly that sth should be done • They re all for saving money where they can. Main entry: ↑allidiom … Useful english dictionary
all of something — informal phrase used for emphasizing how large or small an amount is It’s going to cost all of £2,000 just to decorate the dining room. It took me all of ten seconds to realize what was going on. Thesaurus: words used to describe amounts or… … Useful english dictionary
All For One — Chanson par L ensemble du casting d High School Musical 2 extrait de l’album High School Musical 2 HSM 2.jpg Sortie 24 septembre 2007 (É. U.) Durée 4:30 Genre … Wikipédia en Français
All for You (single) — All for You Single par Namie Amuro extrait de l’album Queen of Hip Pop Face A All for You Face B butterfly Sortie 22 juillet 2004 … Wikipédia en Français
all for the best — (all) for the best Likely to have the best ultimate outcome • • • Main Entry: ↑best * * * (all) for the best : having or producing a better result used to say that something will have a good result even though it was not the intended result I won … Useful english dictionary
all the better for (something) — If you are all the better for something, you benefit from it or feel much better as a result of it. You ll be all the better for a good night s rest … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
all of something — informal used for emphasizing how large or small an amount is It s going to cost all of £2,000 just to decorate the dining room. It took me all of ten seconds to realize what was going on … English dictionary
spring for something — AND bounce for something in. to treat (someone) by buying something. (See also pop for something.) □ I’m bouncing for pizza. Any takers? □ Ralph sprang for drinks, and we all had a great time … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
ready for something — ready for something/ready to do something/ phrase feeling that you must have or must do something We were all ready for a holiday. Thesaurus: ready or about to do somethingsynonym Main entry: ready … Useful english dictionary